You can say you to me: The ins and outs of the German Sie and du

Zu den deutschsprachigen Blogs
Zu den deutschsprachigen Blogs

Like many things German, the German language is a thing of precision. Once you’ve learned the basics, you’ll encounter one of the fundamental aspects of German communication: the use of Sie (“you”) and du (well, “you”). Understanding when to say which is essential to respectful communication.

An article by Debbie, a copywriter and translator fascinated by the intersection of language and culture.

As the dictionary tells us, Sie and du are both second-person pronouns in German. And both of them mean “you”. While technically synonyms, each of these words carries distinct connotations that reflect interpersonal dynamics in society. It may seem confusing at first, especially for non-native speakers of German. But there are guidelines to help us decide whether to address someone as Sie or du.

General rules for using Sie or du

Sie is used:

  • In polite speech. For example: „Möchten Sie noch einen Kaffee?“ This formal address is a sign of respect and politeness, typically used when speaking to someone older, with a higher social or professional status or in a formal context. 
  • As a sign of respect towards elders. Using Sie when speaking to an older person is considered courteous and appropriate.
  • To maintain a professional or formal distance. In professional settings, such as at work or during business interactions, using Sie helps maintain a certain formality. Colleagues, especially those in hierarchical organisations, often say Sie to be polite and show respect and deference.
  • With strangers. When interacting with people you don’t know, Sie is the default choice. Whether you’re asking for directions or need assistance in a shop, Sie ensures a good level of politeness and professionalism.
  • When you’re on a last-name basis. Sie is typically used with people you call by their last name, further emphasising the formality and respect inherent in this form of address.

Du is used:

  • By equal peers, family, friends and lovers. Among people of similar age and social standing and within close-knit circles like family and friends, du is the go-to form of address. It creates an atmosphere of familiarity and intimacy.
  • When you’re on a first-name basis. Du often goes naturally with addressing someone by their first name and is still considered civil and polite.
  • To address children (and animals).
  • In any general context among youth and younger adults (also depending on the region). In recent years, there has been a shift towards using duin various contexts among adults and in regions where Sie was traditionally more common. This trend reflects evolving norms in society and a desire for more informal and open communication.


Even more fascinating are the conventions of civil society regarding the use of Sie/du that go beyond the sociolinguistic framework. Many of them need to be experienced in day-to-day life before you can truly understand them. Some examples:

Du is something that is offered.

In many cases, the transition from Sie to du is initiated when one person offers the du to the other. This can signify a desire to be closer and develop a more personal relationship. The older person generally offers the du to the younger person.

The offer of du may be rejected.

The person on the receiving end of a du offer can either accept or politely decline. While perhaps awkward, the rejection is not necessarily an insult. Some people are simply more comfortable with a formal tone or prefer maintaining a certain level of distance in their interactions. The challenge is finding a tactful way to get out of it.

Using Sie when du is expected may be offensive.

Imagine meeting someone your age at a casual social gathering, and they immediately address you with Sie. It might come across as distant or standoffish, even if they only intended to be polite. The unspoken expectation among equals is often to say du.

In such egalitarian settings, some people may prefer du even when there’s a significant age difference. Using Sie in such situations can be seen as unnecessarily formal or even condescending. There has also been a generalised shift to du in contexts like social media, possibly influenced by the English language.

So when should you switch from Sie to du?

The timing and appropriateness of a switch from Sie to du depends on several factors, including the context, the nature of the relationship and the preferences of the individuals involved. It is often initiated by a higher-ranking person or an older individual, showing a willingness to break down formal barriers and establish a closer connection. In many cases, the switch to du happens spontaneously as a relationship develops and people become more familiar and comfortable with each other. This commonly occurs within social circles, among neighbours or in casual contexts. In professional settings, it’s generally advisable to continue using Sie until a superior suggests otherwise.

What happens if you switch back from du to Sie?

It’s hard enough figuring out when to make the move from Sie to du. But things get really interesting when you switch back from du to Sie. One school of thought says that, once offered, du can never be taken back. Others believe that a transition back to Sie is possible, although it can be a tricky business, especially if it is triggered by difficult circumstances. The reasons for doing so are very individual, but basically, one or both parties may feel the need to re-establish distance in the relationship. The only good way to manage these situations is for each person to pay close attention to the words, cues and preferences of the other. In the end, it doesn’t have to be awkward if you choose to discuss it politely and openly.

What is the English equivalent of Sie and du?

Unlike German, second-person pronouns in English don’t carry any nuance of meaning (although they did in the past). “You” is the word used in both polite and casual speech. A rough equivalent of Sie in English is when you address someone as “Mr” or “Mrs”.

Which other languages have a system similar to Sie and du?

Several languages feature distinctions for polite speech similar to the German Sie and du. A quick look in the French dictionary turns up vous (formal) and tu (informal). These distinctions serve the same purpose of indicating the level of formality and familiarity in a conversation. 

Interestingly, many of these systems arose through the custom of addressing a second person in the third person. As such, the linguistic distance symbolises the relational (or even physical) distance between interlocutors. In fact, modern Polish still has this feature, using pan (sir) or pani (madam) with a verb conjugated in the third person to formally address a second person.

Is it rude to use the wrong pronoun?

Using Sie and du appropriately can be challenging, even for native German speakers. An inappropriate Sie might make someone feel uncomfortable or “old”, while saying du without consent when Sie is expected might come across as presumptuous. Both situations can cause awkwardness and discomfort. But a simple agreement to switch back to the preferred word will often rectify the situation.

Words can influence interpersonal dynamics

Many learners of German, Polish and other languages see this aspect as merely another grammatical hurdle. But are we the ones controlling the language with our word choices, or is the language shaping us? The transition to du between two people not only changes their speech pattern but also affects their relationship dynamics. Du establishes a fertile ground in which a closer relationship can develop. On the other hand, Sie represents a distance to be maintained and sets boundaries not to be crossed. Du willingly embraces others while Sie keeps them intentionally at arm’s length.

This is where the impact of language on relationships becomes clear. Addressing someone as du or Sie is more than a linguistic choice; it’s both a reflection and a driver of social dynamics and interpersonal connections. Du and Sie also have the power to unite or exclude. As such, their usage is often strategically applied within political, professional and other contexts as a way to influence group dynamics and relationships.

Knowing when to use Sie and du in German is not just a matter of language proficiency – it’s also about acquiring a deeper understanding of cultural and social norms that you can’t get from any dictionary. It’s a fascinating aspect of German communication that adds depth to human interactions. Once you get the hang of it, you may even find yourself embracing this linguistic quirk – safe in the knowledge that it’s not just “you”.